Monday, March 29, 2010

Lovin' Crafts Over Here!

Lovin’ Crafts Over Here!!

I’m just sayin’…

I am having the best time with this new fad of lingo going on. You know? I’m just sayin’… I love that one in particular: I’m just sayin’… You can’t leave out the dot dot dot. Don’t finish the sentence, just dot dot dot. It cracks me up. I’m approaching 50 so I am too old to pick up some of the lingo that runs through the teenagers. But this one is fun.

I’m just sayin’ dot dot dot. Okay, I’ve got to stop because this post has nothing to do with catch phrases.

Crafts. I love crafts. Does anybody love crafts? I cannot imagine being a person who doesn’t enjoy some kind of crafting. I can spend hours just looking at different crafts and I’ll make this list of about 5 or 6 HUNDRED that I plan to do. That is my biggest problem is that I start too big with crafts. I just love the whole crafting idea.

Crafting is economical (make a gift), personal (make a gift), and just downright fun (make a gift). And I always feel like I’ve really done something when I make something out of a batch of supplies. And when I see those articles on how to make things out of objects just lying around your house, I’m ON it. I want to run in the kitchen and empty my oatmeal containers and turn them into beautiful ceramic-looking vases or cute little pen-holders for my daughter’s desk.

I love sewing and decoupage and woodwork and painting glass and quilting and just all of it. I can’t enumerate them because there is always another one. I’ve wanted to have a craft shop for years and years. So this may be the closest I ever get to one. Indulge me, will you? Let’s talk crafting!

I want to use the craft section to post pictures and links to other crafty sites as well as posting some of my own little goodies. There are some incredible women out there that are unbelievably creative. My sister AND sister-in-law are both amazingly creative. I’m more of a “re-create” it kinda gal. I see things and think of how I could make them. Denise (sister) and Shelley (sister-in-law) just come up with stuff to make. They just wake up and have these great ideas and then they do them and they’re breathtaking and I think, WOW.

But I could re-create it and put a new spin on it. So, that is what I do. I look at things and figure out how to make them and/or re-make them. I rarely follow a recipe for cooking or a pattern for sewing or an outline for crafting exactly as it is written. It is pretty definite that I will change the idea along the way and produce something different about it. That is my attempt at creativity, I guess.

It works for me. When I first went through my divorce, Rebekah was 3 and I did NOT want to put her into daycare. So, Shelley had started this business online called “The Silver Spoon,” where she made and sold custom handbags and small machine-stitched throws and lots of other fabulous things. So I zoomed my antenna in on the throws and changed the idea up a bit, expanded here and there and soon, was selling quilts and full custom-made bedroom sets online. I supported Rebekah and me for almost a year before I went back to work when she was 4.

Loved it, but probably wouldn’t have thought of it had not Shelley come up with the idea that I bounced off of. My sister, Denise, decorates cakes. She has never taken a class in her life and creates these breath-taking wedding cakes that have bridges running from the main tiers to side tiers and waterfalls that flow into a lake with floating doves. I am NOT kidding and I am NOT exaggerating. She made my wedding cake and her daughter’s wedding cakes. I have pictures to prove it. She is incredible.

Denise does not decorate cakes for a living but I wish she would because then we would be famous. “We” is an automatic. If she gets famous, so do I. People ask her to make their wedding/anniversary/birthday (etc.) cakes and she does them for free. What a gal!

I’m just sayin’dot dot dot

Well, I guess I’ve rambled enough and should move on. But this section is for crafting. I want my readers to send in their ideas, too! How great would that be? Now, be warned, my repertoire is HUGE but not full. I have a list of hundreds of crafts but that doesn’t mean I’ve done all of them. Maybe we can do them together. Sounds like fun… once a week: you and me just lovin’ crafts.

I’m just sayin’…