Monday, April 12, 2010

Funny Stuff

I spend most of my life laughing at life. Even things that are “tough” to endure can later be funny. The Bible tells us that a “merry heart doeth good like a medicine.” I believe that is true. Not that you want to laugh at someone who is going through a difficult time, but I always try to take “the light road.”

I haven’t always been that way. I spent about 10 years in my late 20’s and early 30’s on the brink of sadness, wondering if I would ever get to be married. I also dealt with several health issues during that time, so I didn’t laugh so much.

I have learned that there is such a thing as spilt milk and there are options on what you can do with it.

I have learned that life throws curves and you have to learn how to be a good driver.

I have learned that if God is my co-pilot, I need to switch places.

I have a section on Spiritual Lessons Learned the Hard Way, so this one is just on the funny side of stuff.

Mostly we just want to dwell here for a giggle or two. You can be assured there will be posts about kids in here.