Monday, April 12, 2010

Learn and Live

Some say “Live and Learn;” But I stand firmly on “Learn and Live.” This is the section that will draw the most criticism as well as the most support and I already know that. I’m a Christian woman and have been most of my life, but not all of my life.

The word “Christian” draws all kinds of opinions. Mostly, people have their own idea of what a Christian is and many times, that opinion has been formed by someone else and is inaccurate. I don’t know what to tell you about the things I will post in here. You’ll just have to look and see.

There is lots to say in here but I don’t want it to be just my opinion, so I will actually use references and examples from the Bible and insights learned thereof. Oooh, already I feel somebody getting stiff-necked. So, I’ll let you know that I am not a forceful person. I just have learned so many valuable lessons and have lots to say. Use what you can and discard the rest.

Just make sure you discard the part from me and not the part from God. Whatever you believe, wouldn’t you agree that it is a better idea to learn the lesson by knowing the precept instead of living the lesson?

I’m just sayin’….
